Syntax is a study of grammar that analyzes the structure and function of grammatical structures and unit formations larger than words. According to the size of grammatical constructions, the study of syntax may differ for phrases or syntagmatics (studies stacking words in groups of words or phrases) and syntax sentences, which addresses the organization of simple and complex sentence structures.
The research in syntax can pertain to the study of relations between the different syntactic constructs, and are two-fold: on the one hand, the hierarchical relationship of the whole and its parts, on the other, the syntactic units and its components, independently.
Another type of relationship based on dependency and function of components within multiple units, can in research be compared to the whole unit and each other. At the level of phrases or phrase structure analysis, usually one component of the central research is a constant, while the rest is functionally dependent on the findings.
The central element is called head or core expression and the dependent parts, according to whether they are mandatory in research or not, and whether their number, type and form are determined by the head or not, may be additions or modifiers (ie. attributes). The study of functional relationships within simple sentences can be used in findings to signify a sentence using the parts of the subject and predicate, or direct, indirect object, predicate names and adverbials of various types. A special form of a functional relationship between the two components that have equal status within the structure is called coordination, and is an important aspect of the study of syntax.
Coordination can be connected not only whole phrases but also parts and independent simple sentences, in contrast to independent complex sentences. Complex sentences can be dependent, except if the main attributes contain one or more subordinate clauses which function as part of a sentence (for example, the nominal or adverbial) or as a part of sentence components (the relative clause).
The study of syntax and the research that it entails has culminated with the advent of generative grammar, giving rise to relational grammar, and different types of structural grammar, lexical functional grammar, etc. Trust the experts at Homework Help UK, get a quote now.