Balancing School With Part-time Work
As tuition rises and so does the cost of living, more and more students have no choice but to work throughout the school year. Having a regular income can be great, but sometimes balancing both work and school feels like an impossible task. Luckily there are simple steps you can take before school starts and during the year to maximize your time and stay sane.
Plan Ahead
Before you choose your classes for the year, take a good look at your work schedule. Are there certain seasons when work will be busier? Try to take a lighter course load then. If your job gets less demanding in the winter months, for example, try to book your toughest courses for that semester. Consider things the other way around too, when will school be the busiest? Communicate with your boss well ahead of time so you don’t end up working all day everyday during midterms or exam season!
Be Realistic
Think logically about how many hours of work you can handle on top of your course load. Rushing from work to attend night class might be fine one night a week, but it’ll likely drive you crazy if you have to do it every day. Plan your schedule effectively so you can handle everything.
Consider All Options
Many schools offer online classes or lectures by TV so you don’t have to be physically present on campus to take a course. This might be easier to handle if you work at an off-campus location and it’s hard to rush there for class. As long as you have the discipline to sit down and get to it when you do have time, this is a great option for students with very hectic schedules.
Give Yourself a Break
Yes, balancing work and school is demanding and time-consuming. But it shouldn’t eat up every minute of every day for the entire year. Once in a while, plan to have a day or weekend off just to relax and not worry about work. It’ll make you happier, calmer, and help you concentrate better on work when you get back to it.
When you’re balancing both work and school, it’s only understandable that sometimes it’ll just be too much. Consider Homework Help Canada’s custom writing assignment services when you’re really in a pinch. We can finish all types of assignments in many subject areas so you don’t have to sacrifice grades just to work and pay the rent!
5 Tips to Achieve Your Optimal Work/School/Life Balance. (2014, December 18). Retrieved August 31, 2015, from