Essay Writing Matters
Crafting essays is not an EASY task. The ability to use, understand, and dissect information and to then translate it into written form is a useful and necessary skill in all parts of our lives. In a recent literacy study by the International Adult Literacy Skills Survey, it portrayed that “2% of Canadian-born university graduates scored at the lowest levels of prose literacy.” In simplest terms – 2% of Canadian-born people that finish university can barely identify or decode words and numbers – a task easily suited for 7-year-olds! The survey also reveals that “above two in five adults aged 16 to 65 scored below” the desired threshold of prose literacy. That is quite sad isn’t it? Thus it illustrates the forgotten art of writing, research, and creating persuasive and compelling arguments.
Many students find it a waste of time and a punishment to research and write a paper. However, essay writing is crucial to one’s future career. The concept of creation comes into play. The ability to write what we think, understand, and feel is quite under-rated. To be able to synthesize different areas of insight and information is not only a skill, but an art. The ability to write a coherent and well-structured essay with an introduction, body of arguments, and a conclusion is very essential to a student’s success. Students are asked to write essays as it’s important to learn how to write, persuade, and to construct sentences in convincing and argumentative contexts.
Are you struggling with your custom essay writing needs? Do you need help or assistance? Need help polishing or editing your essay? The late nights taking a toll on you? Look no further as you can book a one-on-one custom essay writing consultation today! Have one of our essay writing gurus review your work before you submit it. We also offer more interactive help through one-on-one Skype tutoring sessions and the rest is history.
At Homework Help Canada, enjoy learning from our gurus who have mastered the art, science, and craft of writing. True mastery in writing sheds light on many opportunities for your FUTURE, and the success of today. Don’t be a stranger and get in touch with us NOW!
Eaton, S. (2012, September 13). Why do we make our students write essays? Retrieved August 13, 2015, from https://drsaraheaton.wordpress.com/2012/09/13/why-do-we-make-our-students-write-essays/
International Adult Literacy and Skills Survey. (2005, November 9). Retrieved August 13, 2015, from http://www.statcan.gc.ca/daily-quotidien/051109/dq051109a-eng.htm