Production of Non-Plagiarized Work
Plagiarism is quite a widespread phenomenon and can be found in different spheres: in academic works, business, journalism, even the government, and especially across social media. There is an advantage and a disadvantage to the internet: while reusing someone’s concepts seems to be easier than ever as it tends to get lost in the online chatter, it is also easier to pinpoint the source of original words and adequately cite them.
Previous research has shown that, well before the internet, plagiarism was a much more common occurrence, and definitely not as easily detected.
Meanwhile, there are serious ongoing debates and allegations in academic and publishing circles always to be found in the news, especially what constitutes plagiarism and how to detect it. Everyone tends to agree that taking words from another author and passing them off as one’s own clearly constitutes plagiarism. However, there are other forms which are harder to detect, and harder to avoid by writers, such as:
– common sense
– practical knowledge
– beliefs and hypotheses with similar conceptual bases
– student understanding of the topic based on the same teachings and course materials, or
– genuine proposals that have come from the author without prior awareness of other corresponding or comparable ideas.
It’s hard work ensuring that the words and entire concepts are not borrowed or stolen from another author with an intention to use as own. In addition to that, guaranteeing that the work is non-plagiarized requires thorough and careful research and understanding of the subject, especially in terms of the already published and acknowledged works.
At Homework Help Canada, we don’t tolerate plagiarism and guarantee that our work is 100% non-plagiarized. You can trust our experts to provide you with high quality essays that are correctly referenced, with all the used sources of information attributed to their originators. Alternatively, if you’ve completed the work and need to get it checked, we can provide you with an efficient plagiarism scan, and the subsequent editing of the work, if required.
Moreover, we offer 1-on-1 custom essay writing help services so you can better understand the concept of non-plagiarism and how to produce non-plagiarized work in the future. There are no hidden tricks: simply put, all our experts are well-versed in originality, authenticity and the many referencing styles, and their knowledge and experience manifest that in the final result.
Jump, P. (2015). Zygmut Bauman accused of serial ‘self-plagiarism’. Times Higher Education. Retrieved August 23, 2015 from https://www.timeshighereducation.co.uk/news/zygmunt-bauman-accused-serial-%E2%80%98self-plagiarism%E2%80%99.
Klausman, J. (1999). Teaching About Plagiarism in the Age of the Internet. The National Council of the Teachers of English. Retrieved August 23, 2015 from http://www.csun.edu/~krowlands/Content/Academic_Resources/Technology/Klausman-Plagarism%20and%20Internet.pdf.