Follow These Tips for Speaking Confidently During a Presentation
You might have heard the old adage that many people are more afraid of public speaking than they are of death. It’s because it’s true. It’s true because people lack the confidence in themselves to get up in front of a room full of strangers, risk judgment and failure, and speak confidently and passionately about something. It’s not that it’s easy to do – it’s incredibly difficult. But there is an art to projecting confidence and holding forth on something you are talking about that is the key to presenting well. Below is some guidance on how to do exactly that.
Your Audience Wants you to do Well
People, for the most part, don’t come to a presentation because they want you to fail. They want you to succeed, because your success means that their minds have been engaged and stimulated. Keep this in mind the next time you present. The people you are talking to want you to speak with confidence, they want your sense of humour to shine through and they want you to speak like you know what you are talking about. The point of your presentation is not for the audience to revel in your embarrassment. It’s for you to share your knowledge and opinion with your fellow human beings.
Don’t stand still
While excessive movement can be distracting, steady, measured pacing can actually help you recall information and form your thoughts and sentences better. Ever notice how when people are on an important phone call they have a tendency to walk around the room, or even from room to room, it’s because your brain works better when your legs are moving. You also convince more people in the room that you are talking directly to them when you spread your energy and attention throughout the room.
Admit Your Mistakes
If you make a mistake while presenting, acknowledge it in a humorous and/or self-deprecating way. People love when others are able to make fun of themselves without it shattering their fragile little egos. Many of the best stand-up comedians make a good living doing it. Instead of panicking when you stumble over your words, acknowledge that you’ve done it, mention how that was a particularly hard sentence for you, let people see you are still comfortable with yourself, and move on.
Don’t Just Regurgitate Facts, Inject Some Opinion
Speaking, while it is not always about your own personal opinion, doesn’t have to be just a list of the facts. Audiences can read those themselves. Letting people know that you have your own thoughts on the matter, and saying them like you mean them and believe in them, will peak people’s interests. These facts can be challenged, disagreed with, or agreed upon – but the bottom line is, they will be forced to confront them, which means you have their attention.
Speaking and presenting publicly doesn’t have to induce a panic attack. Use the above suggestions and you will be able to improve your presentation skills and speak confidently about anything, to anyone. You will notice more people paying attention to you, more people actually learning from what you have to say, and a better overall audience response that will only make future presentations that much easier. If you have a speech, or presentation coming up, contact Homework Help USA and take advantage of our great speech writing services.
Alexandra. (2012). “5 Tips to Help you Present with Confidence.” Coaching for Inspiration. Retrieved from: http://coachingforinspiration.com/presentation-delivery/
Jabr, F. (2014). “Why Walking Helps us Think.” The New Yorker. Retrieved from: http://www.newyorker.com/tech/elements/walking-helps-us-think
Zaki, M. “7 Little Tips to Speak in Public With no Fear.” Life Hack. Retrieved from: http://www.lifehack.org/articles/communication/7-little-tricks-to-speak-in-public-with-no-fear.html