Essential Exam Study Tips to Get You Through Any Test
A study published in the United States Library of Medicine found that there is a link between students’ study habits and their overall happiness. It concluded that students who studied more were happier and contributed more to their society. By studying properly, you can keep your own happiness levels higher, keep your brain working, and be more productive. If you want to keep your study habits on track, follow these exam study tips.
9 Exam Study Tips That Will Change The Way You do Tests
For most of us, studying does not come naturally. Studying is the last thing we want to do when we could be binge watching Netflix or going out with friends instead. However, studying is something we just have to do, so we may as well do it right. With the right tips, you can make it through exam season, and just about any other testing season that comes your way.
1. Learn Your Study Style
The first thing you need to do is figure out what type of learner and studier you are. For example, some people need to see things visually while others are better at digesting chunks of audio or listening to information. Figure out what one of these you are, because it’ll help you to find better ways to absorb the information you’re studying.
2. Take Good Notes
Make sure the notes you take in class are thorough enough, because by the time you come back to them you might not remember why you wrote something down. It helps if you develop your own system of symbols or short form terms that you know you’ll remember so you can keep up with how fast your professor is speaking in their lecture.
3. Find Your Study Spot
Everyone has different study methods and habits. Some of us prefer complete peace and quiet, while others prefer listening to music to focus. Whatever you prefer, find a spot that will be your designated study spot during the school year. This will be the place you can get the most work done, whether it’s a spot at the library, in your student lounge, or even in your living room. The point remains – find a designated study spot and stick with it!
4. Don’t Study in Your Bed
Studying in bed isn’t a good idea. Right now, your brain associates your bed with sleeping, watching Netflix, and lounging. When you try to study in that same spot, your brain will think that it’s lounging time because it already made that association, and you’ll end up becoming very distracted, unproductive, or tired. Get out of bed and go to your study spot instead.
5. Take Study Breaks
If you are attempting to pull an all-nighter, or a long study session, always give yourself breaks. Do not try to power through it and study for hours straight. Your brain needs a break every now and then to refresh and rejuvenate. Stop for a snack, take a walk around the room- do whatever you need to give your brain a little rest so it can keep working like a boss.
6. Don’t Let Stress Get the Best of You
Sometimes we start to get super stressed out, especially when it’s getting closer and closer to your big exam. Instead of pulling your hair out, stop and think of a positive thought instead. Think about how well you’re going to do and give yourself a little confidence boost instead of freaking out, and you’ll be able to calm down enough to actually believe you will be fine.
7. Find a Study Group
Even if you are one of those people who studies better on your own, it’s nice to have a support group of your peers who are studying the same things you are. When you get lost, or stuck, you can fall back on the help they provide or ask them to quiz you. Remember, you’re all in this together so you don’t need to feel stressed out and alone.
8. Make Flashcards
Yes, flashcards are something you used in elementary school, but your class used to use those because they work. Make your own set of flashcards and use them to quiz yourself. Quizzing yourself is more effective than staring at a sheet of paper and attempting to memorize everything, because you’re actually testing the knowledge of what you know.
9. Switch up Your Study Topics
Don’t spend your entire all-nighter studying for one specific thing. When you read the same things over and over again for an extended period of time, you won’t end up digesting what you need to because your brain is stuck in repeat mode. Switch up your topics and go between whatever subjects you need to study to give your brain a fresh take each time.
If you need some extra help studying, Homework Help Global provides many different services that can help. From coursework writing services to one-on-one tutoring services, we can help make sure you succeed on all of your tests and assignments.
Bahrami, S., Rajaeepour, S., Rizi, H.A., Zahmatkesh, M., & Nematolahi, Z. (2011). The relationship between students’ study habits, happiness, and depression. Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research, 16(3), pp. 217-221. Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3249802/