How to Manage Stress On-Campus
Whether you live in residence, at home, or off-campus with some friends, full-time students have one thing in common—they spend a lot of time on-campus. During these often long days, students experience a rollercoaster of emotions and feelings; excitement, laughter, hunger, tiredness, and most of all stress.
Although certain levels of stress can be a good thing in terms of self-awareness and motivation, too much stress can have very negative effects on the body and mind. Often times, students experiencing excess levels of stress may find themselves having a hard time concentrating, being more irritable in situations that normally wouldn’t bother them, feeling constantly worried or anxious, experiencing frequent headaches, and having disrupted sleep. These are just some of the draining effects that stress can have on students. So, how can you manage stress on-campus? Check out some of our tips below:
1. Time Management
A full course load can be difficult to juggle with needing to remember class times and locations, seminar sessions, essay deadlines, and exam dates. It can then become more difficult when these tasks begin to build and the semester is in full swing. To help organize your life, purchase an agenda or download a time-management app. This will help you to plan your day-to-day activities and help determine how much time you can afford to spend on each task.
2. Get Some Exercise
Many schools have gyms on-campus with free (or heavily discounted) memberships to students. Not only is exercise amazing for your body, but it works wonders for your mind. Sweating out toxins and allowing your brain to focus on something other than the rest of your day is a great way to press pause and work off negative energy.
3. Seek Support
Certainly, stress can become overbearing and really flood your mind with anxious thoughts and overwhelming negativity. When this occurs, it is important to find a way to express these emotions without fear of judgement or embarrassment. By exploring your campus’ services, you’ll likely find that there are counsellors available on a daily basis. By booking a free appointment and scheduling this into your day, you’ll feel at ease when you can express your concerns and receive professional advice, guidance, and reassurance.
4. Take a Break
When school life gets stressful it can be difficult to take a break due to the guilt and anxiety it can cause… after all, your time could be better spent working on assignments or studying, right? Wrong. Everybody needs to take breaks no matter what type of work they are doing. Whether it be grabbing a coffee with friends, turning off your brain and watching your favourite show for an hour, or taking a much-deserved nap, taking a break will leave you feeling refreshed and ready to get back to your studies afterwards.
Stress can be exhausting, cause depression, and really make you question whether you’re taking the right steps in life. Don’t fall victim to your stress and instead learn stress-management techniques that will surely help to keep your worries at bay. For more ways to ease stress, check out our tutoring, essay editing, and coursework writing services. Whatever your academic needs are, our Homework Help Canada team will be happy to assist.