Making it as a Foreign Exchange Student
Life can be really hard in school for any student. There are the struggles of your course load and homework, any extracurricular activities, studying, exams and tests, maybe a part-time job, and balancing your personal life. Now, add English as a second language to this mix. You thought it was hard enough to keep up with the demands of all of your professors, who often conveniently schedule all of their due dates or exam dates within the same week. Imagine how hard it is when you’re still learning English.
Welcome to the life of a foreign exchange student.
There are many foreign exchange students in USA. YES USA is a foreign exchange organization that operates among 20 different countries around the world. Through YES USA, students stay with a host family in their designated destination and learn all about that country’s culture while attending school there. Since this organization is so vast, chances are that you or someone in your class is there through this program. In addition, there are other government-run programs that offer educational exchanges to various locations around the world. Sometimes there are also grants and scholarships available to help students afford to participate in these amazing opportunities.
Learning the English language is hard enough as it is. When you have to write academic essays in a foreign language it can seem like you will never succeed. On top of all of the coursework, tests and exams to worry about, foreign exchange students have a mountain of other concerns. Many of these students do not know anyone and are in a country where they do not speak the native language. This makes it very hard to make friends and balance a personal life. In addition, being a foreign exchange student is expensive and there are many costs to worry about. Some programs can run up to $10,000 per year. Other worries include homesickness, emergency preparations, and adjusting to a new culture.
At Homework Help USA we understand that you are going through a really hard situation and could use some help. Let us give you that help. We offer excellent ESL assignment writing services that will help you feel more relieved with your schooling. You already have enough to deal with in any language, and we can help you adjust. Check out our website for a quote to see if we can make your foreign exchange experience a great one.
Augart, A. (N.d.). Costs to be an exchange student. Retrieved 30 August, 2015, from http://exchangestudentworld.com/student/costs/
YES USA. Retrieved 30 August, 2015, from http://www.youthedservices.ca/component/content/article/3-welcome-student-exchange-program-for-canadian-high-school-students.html