EP 59: How to Write a Cover Letter
7 tips for writing a cover letter that will get you an interview.
Summer is the perfect time for students to gain professional experience. Whether you’re applying to an internship or a job, chances are you’ll need a strong cover letter to stand out. In Episode 59, join Cath Anne as she lists the essentials of how to write a cover letter.
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Cath Anne: Hey guys! It’s summer internship time and summer job time and maybe now that exams are all wrapped up you’re asking yourself: “How do I go about applying for summer jobs or summer internships?”
Cath Anne: Well, one of the first steps you can take is writing an effective cover letter. Let’s jump in.
Cath Anne: Hi there and welcome back to our channel. My name is Cath Anne and this is the Homework Help Show hosted by Homework Help Global. Here on the show we provide you with valuable content for your academic and student life.
Cath Anne: Today on the show we are going to talk about How to Write a Cover Letter.
Cath Anne: Okay, tip number one that you want to remember when you are writing your cover letter is to put as much energy and focus into your cover letter as you do into your resume or CV. Oftentimes we think that the resume is the most important piece of documentation that we are going to send to potential employers, however the cover letter is just as important so make sure you are focusing on that. Think about it as your elevator pitch to a company to tell them why you are an amazing fit for their company.
Cath Anne: Tip number two always include your cover letter as an attachment not in the body of your email. If you are planning to email your cover letter make sure that you keep the message in the body of your email short, sweet, and to the point. No employer wants to open up their email and read a looooong letter that you’ve written. Instead, refer to your cover letter and your resume as attachments in your email.
Cath Anne: Tip number three create a PDF with your cover letter. Once you are finished writing your cover letter, convert it into a PDF. This will assure that no matter who you send your cover letter to, they will be able to access it no matter if they are on a Mac or a PC. Whatever kind of word processing system they are operating they will most certainly be able to open a PDF.
Cath Anne: Tip number four keep your cover letter short, concise, and to the point. Make sure you don’t go over one page of writing when you are writing a cover letter. Keep it to three or four paragraphs and nothing more.
Cath Anne: Tip number five, tailor your cover letter to the specific company you are applying to. If I’m an employer and I open your cover letter and see that it sounds generic, I am going to know that you are applying to multiple companies and that doesn’t make me feel special as an employer.
Customize your cover letter to this specific company you’re applying to and that will get you an interview.
Cath Anne: Another tip to bear in mind when you are writing your cover letter is to try to find out the name of the hiring manager. Nowadays we have sites like LinkedIn Facebook Instagram, websites, Google we have access to all of this information and it is likely that if the company you are applying to is a well-known, reputable company there is some information online about their employees. Do a quick search and see if you can find out the name of the hiring manager this will make you look professional and it’ll look like you’ve taken the time to get to know a little bit about the company.
Cath Anne: And tip number seven today is remember your cover letter is the time to drop names of big companies that you’ve worked for. You’re also going to want to mention some of the cool experiences you’ve had or really interesting things that you’ve done. You’re going to want to take this information and apply it to the job description. How has your previous experience impacted who you are? Why does it make you a great fit for this company?
Cath Anne: Okay guys so that’s it for me this week I hope these tips were of benefit and you can apply them to writing your own cover letters. If you have any questions or comments please jump into the comment section below and if you want to connect with us on any of our social media platforms. All of our information is linked and listed in the description box below.
Cath Anne: If you found this video helpful please give it a thumbs up and make sure to subscribe to our channel so you don’t miss out on any other academic content.
Good luck applying for those summer internships and summer jobs!
Talk soon and take care.