Work, School, and Life Balance
Beginning university studies whether it is at the undergraduate or graduate level is an exciting venture. As the pressure of school mounts, students can quickly become overwhelmed in the attempt to balance work, school, and life.
As a student, the constant feeling that I should always be doing something has often overwhelmed me. Being honest with myself and not making social commitments that I will not be able to follow through on, has been essential in helping me to maintain a grasp on school work as well as having somewhat of a social life. Remember, not everyone has completed university studies so friends and family may not be aware of your schedule or the demands that you are facing. Be honest with them so they can support you accordingly.
If you choose to work during your program, make sure you are upfront with your employer. Explain your professional goals and make clear that pursuing education will contribute to the value you bring to the company or organization. Be clear about your expectations and have a frank discussion about the number of hours you can work without impeding on your studies.
Draw on professional supports. Throughout my post secondary education it has been invaluable to have mentors who have given me professional and academic guidance. Feeling that people who have your best interest at heart support you, can be a saving grace during moments of overwhelm.
Cut yourself some slack. Working, studying and keeping up with family and social events can take a toll if you are not dedicating enough time to taking care of yourself. Try to build self-care into your routine. Exercising and getting enough sleep are essential as you navigate through the demands of an educational program. Make sure you are taking breaks to recharge to feel rested and rejuvenated otherwise burn out is possible.
You cannot do everything and often it is essential to rely on available resources to assist you in maintaining a sense of balance in your life. There are many options available on the Internet that students can access in order to help with their school and professional work. Make use of online resources such as Homework Help USA. No matter what the academic need, Homework Help USA can help complete anything from academic writing and term papers to scholarship applications and resumes.
Academic studies are a challenging but exciting venture. Success in the academic world comes through drawing on supports and available resources and being honest to yourself and others about your needs.
Acosta, G. (2013, June 19). Stretched Too Thin? Five Graduate Student Work-life
Balance Tips. Retrieved August 31, 2015. http://msw.usc.edu/mswusc-blog/graduate-student-work-life-balance/
5 Tips to Achieve Your Optimal Work/School/Life Balance. (2014, December 8).
Retrieved August 31, 2015. http://ce.columbia.edu/news/5-tips-achieve-your-optimal-workschoollife-balance