How to Make Your Admission Essays Stand Out
Admission essays are an integral part of your college applications, and a lot of your future is riding on your ability to craft a great one.
As you may already know, applying to college is extremely nerve-wrecking and the process can be exhausting. However, it’s important to stay on track and make sure that nothing gets overlooked along the way.
Your admission essay is a snapshot of who you are, and it’s your chance to show your future school that you belong there. Here’s how you can get that point across in the most effective and successful way possible.
1. Make it Personal
One of the most important things you need to do is tell your own story. Follow the prompt, but adapt it to your own life and add that personal flare to the mix. Talk about your personal experiences and represent yourself in a way that shows how unique and special you are.
2. Use Specifics
When you’re writing about something, think about an example or a specific situation that you’ve experienced that could relate. Specifics help show your reviewer you’ve put thought and effort into this essay, and that you’ve gone beyond generically following a prompt.
3. Have Someone Else Take a Look
Get someone else to view your essay with a fresh set of eyes. Whether it’s your parent or your friend, don’t overlook the proofreading process. Consider using a professional editing service, as these writers know exactly what to look for to make sure that you didn’t miss anything.
4. Don’t Try to be Funny if You’re Not
Let’s face it— not everyone has the chops to be a funny writer, and that’s okay. While a college essay that makes the reviewer laugh will help you stand out, it’s really hard to nail down that humorous edge without being cheesy or cliche. So, if you aren’t fully confident that you can be tastefully funny, don’t risk it.
5. Read the Instructions Carefully
The school’s reviewers are going to be analyzing how well you can follow instructions. So, it’s important that you add your own individual flare to the essay, it’s even more important that you read the instructions carefully and pay attention to every detail so they can see that you are capable of following direction.
6. Don’t Push Your Vocabulary
It’s a common mistake that some students make— trying to use a thesaurus to advance your vocabulary to use bigger, smarter words. However, most teachers and professors can see through this because it’s extremely easy to use a word incorrectly if it’s a new word for you. If you’re not familiar with a word, don’t use it.
7. Take Your Experiences Further
Don’t just write about that one time you helped lead your soccer team to victory. Write about what you learned from the experience and how it shaped who you are as a person. Dig deeper into your personal narrative and pull out the lessons you’ve learned along the way. This helps build your character and show your reviewer who you are.
Let a Professional Take Care of Your College Admission Essay
Your future is important, so why leave it up to chance? Let one of our experienced writers at Homework Help Global do the job for you, so you can guarantee you gave it a fighting chance. Every one of our writers has been through this process and knows exactly what colleges are looking for, so who better to help you out?
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Big Future. (n.d.) 8 tips for crafting your best college essay. Big Future. Retrieved from https://bigfuture.collegeboard.org/get-in/essays/8-tips-for-crafting-your-best-college-essay.
Franek, R. (n.d.) Crafting an unforgettable college essay. The Princeton Review. Retrieved from https://www.princetonreview.com/college-advice/college-essay.