How to Ace Your Cover Letter Writing Game for the Job Hunt
A cover letter is essential to your job application because it helps you showcase the things about yourself that you can’t convey in a short resume.
This is your chance to stand out from the rest and make sure that your future employer can see who you are, and how qualified you are to join their team. Therefore, it’s essential that you make sure you’re doing it properly.
These cover letter writing tips will make a major difference when it comes to finding your new career.
1. Make it Different Than Your Resume
Don’t just repeat the content that you’ve included in your resume. Your resume will most likely be attached to your cover letter in the first place, so instead of reiterating the technical stuff on there, showcase more about your personality and experiences. Make your cover letter different than your resume, and you’ll be able to make the perfect first impression.
2. Keep it to a Page Length
Don’t make your cover letter longer than a page. Hiring managers don’t have time to read through all of that text, and are likely not going to read more than a page, no matter how awesome you are.
3. Send it as a PDF
This is a trick that many people don’t realize is harming their job hunting experience. Not every office has Microsoft Word on their computer system, or another type of software that can open those special files. However, everyone can open a PDF without issue. If someone has trouble opening your cover letter they are likely not going to give you a second glance.
4. Personalize Your Cover Letter
Don’t use a generic cover letter for every job you apply to. You may think you’re saving time and being clever, but employers can see right through this and think you didn’t want to put the effort into a personalized letter. If you don’t look like you put in effort, they will think you’re not as serious about the job and move on.
5. Show Them What You Can do For Them
Make your cover letter all about what you can do for the company, not what the job means to you. Highlight how your skills can benefit your future role and what you bring to the table, not just why you want the job.
6. Don’t State the Obvious
Forget those generic sentences, such as “my name is, and I am interested in this position.” They already know who you are because you’ve written your name at the top of the letter, and they know you’re applying for a job. This is a rookie move that indicates to your future employer that you may not have the experience they’re looking for.
7. Watch Your Tone of Voice
There’s a fine line between too formal and too casual. You don’t want to be formal and stiff, but you don’t want to talk to your future employer like you would your best friend. Find that fine line in the middle.
Use a Professional to Guarantee You Have the Best Cover Letter Around
Don’t leave your future up to chance— let someone who knows all of the tips and tricks in the business help you with the application process. A professional writer can help you craft the perfect cover letter that’s guaranteed to stand out from the competition and land the perfect job.
Order your custom written cover letter now and take your job hunt to the next level.
Frank, A. (n.d.) Writing a good cover letter- do’s and don’ts. Monster.ca. Retrieved from https://www.monster.ca/career-advice/article/how-not-to-write-a-cover-letter-canada.
Porges, S. (2012). 6 secrets to writing a great cover letter. Forbes. https://www.forbes.com/sites/sethporges/2012/08/29/6-secrets-to-writing-a-great-cover-letter/#2f7431ca73d7.
The Muse Editor. (n.d.) How to write a cover letter: 21 tips you need to know. The Muse. Retrieved from https://www.themuse.com/advice/how-to-write-a-cover-letter-31-tips-you-need-to-know.