EP 25: Most Common Academic Words To Improve Your Academic Writing (Part 3/4)
Episode 25 builds on our series of videos exploring commonly used academic words. Cath Anne provides you with 5 more words to add to your repertoire. Follow along so you can incorporate these new words into your research and writing!
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Cath Anne: [00:00:05] How’s it going guys? It’s Cath Anne, weekly host of the Homework Help Show and Top Writer with Homework Help Global. This week we are continuing our video series in which we discuss common academic words to incorporate into your academic writing. Make sure to check out our other videos on the same topic for more words to incorporate into your writing.
Cath Anne: [00:00:27] So, just a little overview: this series will help you to expand your academic vocabulary using the Academic Word List or the AWL. This is a list that is readily accessible on the web. This core academic vocabulary is used by writers from many different subject areas. Learning vocabulary from the AWL will help you to improve your comprehension of academic texts. It will also help you to write your assignments and impress your professors. So, feel free to come back to these videos when you need a reminder of the various words that we will discuss. One way to learn new vocabulary is to learn a new word from the list every day, but just remember it is better to learn the words in context. Then you will understand how they are used.
Cath Anne: [00:01:23] Just a quick reminder before we jump in. Join me live on Instagram and Facebook live every Thursday at 7:00 PM Eastern Standard Time. We will be doing a live Q and A at that time and as well as a study session so feel free to bring your homework and any questions that you might have. We will try to help you out.
Cath Anne: [00:01:43] Let’s get into the content. Just a reminder that we encourage you to take notes and pause the video throughout if you need to. This will help you to better retain the information. This week we will add to our initial few lists giving you five more academic words. As we did before, in this session we will be discussing the word, the part of speech (whether it’s a noun, verb, or adjective), the meaning of the word. Then, of course, we will put the word into a sentence, so you can get a sense of the word in context. This is to help you to get the meaning of the word, but also to help you to retain the information and the meaning of the word.
Cath Anne: [00:02:30] It will help you to memorize it and recall it more easily if you do understand it within the context of a sentence.
Cath Anne: [00:02:37] So, let’s get going.
Cath Anne: [00:02:39] The first word this week is impact. Impact is a noun.
Cath Anne: [00:02:57] It means the strong effect that someone or something has on a person or situation. So, a common question that you might be familiar with is: What is the impact? How is this situation or issue going to have an impact? So, in a sentence we might say, “Greenhouse gas emissions have an impact on global warming.” So, they have some kind of effect or some kind of consequence on global warming.
Cath Anne: [00:03:32] The next word we have this week is indicate. Indicate is a verb. It means to point out or to show something. So, in other words we might say, “Statistics Canada indicates that there is a high level of child poverty in Canada.” I’ll say that again, “Statistic Canada indicates that there is a high level of child poverty in Canada.” So, in other words the statistics point to a particular issue.
Cath Anne: [00:04:29] The next word we have this week is investment. Investment is noun. This means the use of money or financial capital to receive a profit or appreciation in value. So, this is an important word to be familiar with if you are studying economics, or business, or anything like that but it can also be used in the other disciplines as well. So, for example, there are all sorts of investments we can make. For example, “By spending money on university, you are making an investment in your future career options.” Investment.
Cath Anne: [00:05:25] Number for this week is major. It is an adjective. It describes that something is greater in size extent or importance. It is often associated with something that is negative or bad. For example, we could say, “Eastern Canada experienced major flooding this spring.” Which was true. I’m familiar with the area and there was a lot of flooding in Eastern Canada. So, in other words this implies that the flooding was rather extreme and that it likely did some damage. It was major flooding.
Cath Anne: [00:06:22] Finally, we have the word method. Method is a noun. Method is an important word to be familiar with particularly if you were doing any kind of research. Scientific research method is a technique plan or course of action, especially when there is a plan in place. A method is something you tend to think out beforehand and it is usually highly organized and specific. For example, we use the scientific method to conduct research and find out new information. The scientific method is a step by step process that we engage in to do scientific research. So, method means something that is well planned, very specific, and highly organized.
Cath Anne: [00:07:26] So, that was our five words for this week. Thank you for joining me on The Homework Help Show, and I hope this episode was of benefit to you If it was, don’t forget to give us a little thumbs up and subscribe to our channel.
Cath Anne: [00:07:42] If you would like to gain access to any of our other content please visit us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Google Plus, here on YouTube. We also have a lot of great blogs on student life on Medium and if you’re more of a podcast type of person please visit us on SoundCloud, Anchor, iTunes Apple Podcasts and go to Google Play Music where you can listen to this show, on you podcasting station. Just search Homework Help Global and you will be able to find us.
[00:08:17] As well just a reminder if you do have any writing or homework questions please remember to join us live on Instagram every Thursday at 7p.m. Eastern time. I will be there, and we will go over your homework with you and answer any questions that you do have. So that’s it for this we thank you for joining me. Take care.