Become a Better Resume Writer With These Important Tips
Your resume is a major tool to success. It’s your chance to nail down a perfect first impression that will take you to that coveted next level: the interview.
Not everyone is born a great resume writer, but it’s certainly a skill many of us want to perfect in order to land that dream job and step into our chosen career path.
Writing a great resume takes a few certain tricks, but luckily they can be easy to learn when you have the right advice. Follow some of these resume writing best practices and you’ll be able to master the craft in no time.
Highlight Your Accomplishments, Not Just Tasks You’ve Completed
When you’re outlining your previous job or volunteer experience, don’t just list all of the daily tasks you had to complete, such as operating a cash register. The hiring manager knows the basic functions that certain job roles entail. Instead, focus on accomplishments that will set you apart from the competition. Your interviewer will be looking for ways that you can help solve problems and provide their solutions for their company, not just your ability to fulfill the job description.
Tweak Your Resume For The Industry
If you have a more relevant experience, such as a position closely related to the industry, make that more prominent. For example, don’t list certain skills if the job you’re applying for doesn’t require you to use them. This handy guide will help you figure out how to tailor your resume content to fit just right for the job.
Write a Compelling Objective
Some experts argue that a resume objective is unnecessary, but that’s because many people use basic objectives that don’t set themselves apart. For example, stating that you are seeking employment to start your career is an obvious thing to say. However, when you make your objective into more of a summary about yourself, you’ll easily catch the eye of your potential future employer. This could include a recap of your career, or some very specific goals and why you want to achieve them.
Always Proofread… At Least Twice
Go over your resume as many times as you can and read every single word you wrote. In fact, it also helps if you can get someone else to go over the document as well. This way, you have an unbiased set of eyes looking at your content who could catch something you may have overlooked. A professional editing service can also provide someone who can look over your resume with a trained, experienced eye to look for any minor errors.
Keep it Two Pages or Under
You may have been told that your resume should only be one page, but if you have a lot of qualifying experience, don’t cut it out. These experiences are going to convince your potential employer that you are perfect for the job. However, you shouldn’t go over two pages. If you do, see where you can trim content and shorten your points.
Let a Professional Resume Writer Help You Out
Our team of skilled academic writers don’t just stop at helping you with your coursework. We also have a team of professional writers who have practical, hands-on experience in the working world, drafting technical documents and resumes for a variety of jobs and industries.
Let us help you land your dream job. Order a custom professional resume now!
Borysek, M. (2011). 6 tips for writing an effective resume. ASME Career Center. Retrieved from https://www.asme.org/career-education/articles/job-hunting/6-tips-for-writing-an-effective -resume.
Doyle, A. (2018). Guidelines for what to include in a resume. The Balance. Retrieved from https://www.thebalance.com/guidelines-for-what-to-include-in-a-resume-2061035.
Turczynski, B. (2017). 5 common resume writing tips to avoid. Workopolis. Retrieved from https://careers.workopolis.com/advice/5-common-resume-writing-tips-avoid/.