Marketing is the action or process of communicating the value of a product, service, or brand, through market research and advertising, for the purpose of promoting or selling those products and services. The main objective of marketing is to increase product sales and company revenue, and to act as a support system for sales representatives by disseminating the company message and relevant information to designated target audiences. Marketing is involved with the entire management process of product development, price determination, establishment of distribution channels, and the development and implementation of a promotional strategy.
Promotional enterprises, when undertaken by a team of marketing professionals, can be limited to a specific group, or aimed at the general public. Marketing strategies vary according to target market, budget, and product under consideration; however, advertising techniques make frequent use of free and low-cost options, such as online mailing lists, press releases, customized paraphernalia, and high-traffic websites. Marketing is based upon the idea of conceptualizing the business in terms of customer satisfaction, through a tightly integrated effort to address consumer needs and product demand.
At Homework Help USA, our experts are highly skilled in the various areas of business marketing, and are able to craft persuasive and well-researched essays ranging from topics such as choosing target markets, development of market analysis, market segmentation, and more. Trust the experts at Homework Help USA – get a quote now!